
Boron Oxide

Diboron Trioxide (B2O3) s produced from high purity boric acid. It is used for GaAs production. But there is also a demand from the customers, who deal with the GaP and/or InAs crystal growing processes using both LEC and/or VGF methods.

Boron Oxide
Boron Oxide

The purity of our product was determined using GDMS and it was evaluated as 99.995 – 99.999 %.

Specification of our standard produced pellets.

Product moisture (ppm weight)
Range of water content I.
100 – 300
301 – 500
501 – 1000
> 1000
Deviation is determined to be: +/- 10 %.
Dimension and weight of cylinder and tapered pellets
Diameter, mm 50 83 100 138
Weight, g 55 100 – 200 400 400 – 700
Deviation for diameter is determined to be: +/- 2 mm, deviation for weight is determined to be: +/- 3 %.


The water content, shape and weight of pellets can be modified according to the customer’s requirements.